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  • Betonyp® cement bonded particleoard

We produces and sell Betonyp® cement-board for building industry and also special chipboards for the building industry besides.

This cement-bonded chipboard product was given the trade mark Betonyp®

Experiences gained in about two decades show that the cement-bonded chipboard meets the user’s requirements and finds more and more widening applications among the modern building materials. Due to its advantageous properties, the product has become one of the most important basic materials in lightweight construction.

Due to its excellent properties the export of cement bonded chipboards also takes a prominent part besides the domestic sales.

  • Holzforschung Austria, Vienna – Tests for the strenght values of the Betonyp® boards two times a year.
  • FMPA, Otto-Graf-Institut-Universitat, Stuttgart- Accidentially checks for fire resistance and strenght properties.
  • IBBF, Ingeneurburo + Bio-Bauforschung Karl Heinz Sirtl – Their tests approve that the application of Betonyp® building boards don’t results any damage in the human or other living organism and in the environment.

 The web-site describes in details: 

·   The physical, mechanical and other properties of the Betonyp® building boards

·         The basic construction principles of structures

·         Possible bonding and finishing methods

 Main properties of Betonyp® building boards:


  • Incombustible (B1 according to Standard DIN 4102)
  • Weatherproof
  • Fungiproof
  • Formaldehyde – and asbestos free









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                                    Plants of Betonyp®


                    Pine wood used for Betonyp cheap


BetonWood®  - Cemento Legno per edilizia - Via di Gramignano, 76 - 50013 Campi Bisenzio (Fi) - Italy